Patients who require home visits should, whenever possible, contact the surgery between 8.00am and 10.30am daily. For this service please telephone or get someone to telephone on your behalf, 029 2049 8181, or ask someone to call at the surgery to arrange for a doctor to call, on your behalf.
Home visits are conducted between 12-2pm approximately, although there may be times when a doctor may attend later in the afternoon.
Home visits are reserved for patients who are genuinely housebound and who do not leave the house for any reason. Including those in residential and nursing homes. We will only visit if the patient's clinical condition prevents them from travelling to the surgery and they are deemed to have a medical condition that neccessitates acute medical care.
Please remember that several patients can be seen i the practice in the time it takes a Doctor to make one home visit. There are also better facilities for examining and treating patients at a Surgery. If you are able to visit the shops, hairdressers, dentist or hopistal appointments, you are able to afford the same respect for the the GP and attendance at the practice.
The receptionists may ask for some information as it does help the doctors to plan their visits.The Doctors may decline to visit the patient and offer an appointment at the surgery if they feel that is it more appropriate.